Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Networking and Your Career

Networking and Your Career Are you activelynetworking? If not, you are in the minority.You are likelymissing out onopportunities for advancement in your current career andif you are searching for a job, youare facing a much greater struggle than necessary. Recruiterslist networking as one of their most effective means of finding senior managersand more than two-thirds of executives listed networking as their best method of finding jobs. The percentage of managers planning to leave their positions within the next six months is astounding andof course there are those that will be caught in the world of corporatedownsizing orrestructuring, all of whom will be entering into thejob search market.While they may notlook for work on job boards or in newspapers, you can bet the smart ones are nurturing their networks. Start out by simply making a list of anyone and everyone whom you think could be helpful in offering you contacts and/or advice and then expand your contacts through networking. Attendprofessional networking meetingssuch as ExecuNet. And there isno shortage of thenumber of available networking sitessuch asLinkedIn, Naymz andZiggs.As our world of networking continues to evolve, our networks are becoming less about who we know, than who the people we know, know!

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